More Evidence the Approaching IT Replacement Cycle will Exceed Analysts’ Estimates
Recently, I wrote about how Dell, among some other companies, should benefit from an approaching IT replacement cycle, that I believe is being underestimated by many wall street analysts. Well I came across this article today, which has the White House budget director blaming old computers for our government’s inefficiencies and ineffectiveness. It would appear that President Obama is also jumping on the bandwagon being quoted in the article as saying, “Improving the technology our government uses isn’t about having the fanciest bells and whistles on our websites — it’s about how we use the American people’s hard-earned tax dollars to make government work better for them.”
In closing the budget director had this to say “It’s time to bring government into the 21st century,” he continued. “Information technology has the power to transform how government works and revolutionize the ease, convenience and effectiveness by which it serves the American people.”
Might we see a jump in government technology spending in the future? Maybe, but either way I am still bullish on the sector.
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