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July 2008

Chinese Energy Sector ADRs

The first sector I am going to break-out is the Chinese energy sector, primarily because this sector has the highest market cap of all the sectors I outlined in my last piece. There are 5 Chinese and HK ADRs withing the energy sector: PetroChina (PTR), Sinopec (SNP), CNOOC (CEO), Yanzhou Coal Mining (YZC), and Gushan […]

A Look at Chinese and Hong Kong ADR’s

In this piece I highlight 66 Chinese and Hong Kong ADRs by sector, broken out by market cap, average 30 day volume, and a series of performance metrics. This piece will eventually be followed-up with specific analysis on Chinese sectors and companies. Before getting to the nitty gritty lets formulate a quick outlook on the […]

Impending Chinese Financial Crisis…

Sitting here in Hong Kong, I know few people who aren’t transferring money into China to take advantage of the appreciating RMB and attractive domestic rates. In fact a study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences estimates there could be over USD1.0trn of such money within China, with USD150bn coming during the first […]

A Quick Look at the Asian CDS Market

Recently, I have been attempting to locate data on the Asian credit default swap (CDS) market, specifically on sovereign protection; I couldn’t find much. In response I decided to put together this posting, which tracks performance and allows for some basic relative value and correlation analysis verse equity markets. All CDS prices quoted in this […]

S&P500 Short Interest Ratio

Back in March I published some data on the NYSE top 100 short interest ratio (SIR), and a lot of people seemed to enjoy it. I am now following that up with June SIR data for all the S&P500 companies. I broke out the data alphabetically, descending SIR, and by the monthly change of the […]

Global Battery Index

As oil prices continue soaring and consumers’ preference shifts to smaller and more fuel efficient vehicles, we are likely to see a proliferation of hybrid technology. Looking at the most recent car sales data in the US, Honda and Hyundai out-sold both GM and Ford mostly due to their wide selection of smaller more fuel […]